• Company Name: SLJ Udyod
  • Industry: Plastic Manufacturer
  • Location: Bawana, Delhi

About the Company

SLJ Udyod, a plastic manufacturer based in Bawana, Delhi, specializes in a wide range of plastic products. Plastic Products such as Plastic Buckets, Plastic Dustbins and other are durable and have a seamless finishing are available here.

SLJ Udyod

The Challenges

Lead Management Issues: SLJ Udyod faced significant challenges in tracking leads. Relying on Excel sheets, the process was cumbersome and error-prone, leading to missed opportunities and lost business.

Quotation Creation Challenges: Creating accurate and timely quotations was difficult due to the manual processes involved. The lack of a streamlined system resulted in delays and inconsistencies.

Invoicing Problems: Generating and managing invoices were also problematic. The dependency on the finance team for PI creation and tracking caused delays and inefficiencies in CRM customer relation management, impacting the company's cash flow and overall relationship management software efficiency.

Impact on Business: These challenges negatively affected SLJ Udyod' overall sales performance and customer satisfaction. The unorganized lead management and unprofessional communication with clients resulted in lost business opportunities .

The Solution

Selection of MiClient: SLJ Udyod chose MiClient software to address these issues due to its comprehensive features tailored for sales management. The software's ability to streamline processes and provide a centralized platform for lead and deal management was a key factor in their decision.

Features Utilized:
  • Lead Tracking: Centralized tracking of leads from various sources like Indiamart and tradeIndia.
  • Quotation Generation: Automated and professional quotation creation with product images and descriptions.
  • Invoice Automation: Independent PI creation, tracking, and amendments, reducing reliance on the finance team.

Results and Benefits

Improved Lead Management: With MiClient, SLJ Udyod saw significant improvements in lead tracking. The centralized system ensured no lead was missed, leading to better conversion rates and more business opportunities.

Efficient Quotation Creation: The time taken to create quotations was drastically reduced, and the accuracy of quotations improved. This efficiency resulted in quicker responses to client inquiries and a more professional presentation.

Streamlined Invoicing Process: The invoicing process became more efficient with reduced errors and faster payment cycles. The ability to independently create and track PIs streamlined operations and improved cash flow.

The implementation of MiClient had a positive impact on SLJ Udyod' business. Sales increased, customer satisfaction improved, and operational efficiency was enhanced with customer resource management software. The company now enjoys a more organized and professional sales process with CRM (customer relationship management) software, contributing to its growth and success.