• Company Name: Akash Blowers
  • Industry: Blower Manufacturer
  • Location: Bahadurgarh, Haryana

About the Company

Established in 2009, Akash Blowers began manufacturing Twin Lobe Rotary Air Blowers and has since expanded its product line to include TRI LOBE ROTARY Air Blowers/Compressors (Roots Blowers), Mechanical Vacuum Boosters, and Acoustic Hoods. The company has also ventured into manufacturing Ring Blowers/Regenerative/Side Channel Blowers and Volute Dewatering Machines, consistently strengthening its manufacturing base.

Akash Blowers

The Challenges

Lead Management: Akash Blowers struggled with an ineffective lead management system. Without a centralized repository for client data, tracking leads was inefficient, leading to missed opportunities and poor customer follow-up.

Quotation Process: The quotation process was cumbersome and time-consuming. The Company faced issues such as no proper tracking of deal status, needing to create new quotations for every edit, manual PDF generation, and reliance on Excel sheets for blower configuration.

Invoice Creation: Generating invoices was heavily dependent on specific individuals, causing delays and bottlenecks in the sales process.

Impact on Business: These challenges significantly impacted Akash Blowers' sales operations, slowing down processes, increasing error risks, and reducing productivity, which hindered their ability to respond quickly to customer inquiries and secure new business.

The Solution

MiClient Software Implementation: To address these challenges, Akash Blowers implemented MiClient software, a comprehensive sales management solution designed to streamline sales processes and improve efficiency.

Features Utilized:

  • Enhanced Lead Management: MiClient provided a centralized system for storing and tracking client data, allowing for better lead management and more effective customer engagement.
  • Streamlined Quotation Workflow: The time required to create quotations was significantly reduced, eliminating the need to generate new PDFs for every quote and reducing dependency on Excel sheets.
  • Reduced Invoice Dependency: By automating the invoice generation process, MiClient reduced the company's reliance on specific individuals, speeding up the invoicing process and minimizing delays.

Results and Benefits

Improved Lead Management: By consolidating all leads into one platform, Akash Blowers was able to track and prioritize leads more effectively, leading to an increase in follow-up rates and conversion rates.

Efficient Quotation Creation: The time taken to create quotations was significantly reduced, and the accuracy of the quotations improved. This enabled the company to respond to potential clients more quickly and professionally.

Streamlined Invoicing Process: The automation of the invoicing process reduced errors and accelerated payment cycles. This led to improved cash flow and client satisfaction, as invoices were generated and managed more efficiently.

Overall Business Impact:

  • Process Automation: The implementation of MiClient automated several key processes, discarding the manual workflow and significantly improving efficiency.
  • Enhanced Sales Performance: With streamlined lead management and quotation creation, Akash Blowers experienced an improvement in their overall sales performance.
  • Customer Satisfaction: The efficiency and accuracy in handling sales processes led to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

By implementing MiClient, Akash Blowers successfully transformed their sales management with customer resource management, overcoming their challenges and setting a foundation for sustained growth and success in customer relationship management.