AI-powered Sales automation SaaS

Power your Sales to close deals faster

Manage your pipeline, create deals, send and co-review deals with customers, and close contracts with e-signatures in our unified deal closure platform

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How it Works

AI powered deal closure

A one-stop Client hub that automates all your client interactions

Increase Speed of sending the proposals

Eliminates common quoting errors in proposals

Maximize both revenue and profits in your business

Capturing maximum value with intelligent pricing

Why MiClient

Sell Smarter With Intelligent CPQ & Contract Signer

Create & Send

Build quotations with customizable templates and experience reduction of 28% time in quote creation and sharing with your customers.

Track & Close

Enhance your client interaction in a virtual deal room and experience an increase of 26% of deal closures with an efficient quotation tracking.

Renew and Expand

Increase your renewal rates with automated notifications & reminders, which results in 23% increase in overall sales revenue.

Join 4000+ users who’ve been able to create, track and close their deals with MiClient